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ten minute art…

April 18, 2013
ten minute art

ten minute art

here i am again. faced with very little time while taking care of an infant. every single minute counts. it amazes me how much you can actually get done in ten to fifteen minutes. right now, when i end up with a few precious moments i have a choice to make. do i…

a. pass out on the couch and close my eyes for a second

b. take a shower

c. make art

d. make dinner

e. clean the kitchen and do the dishes

f. write a blog post

g. sit there. lost. trying to decide what is the most pressing thing i need to do…

oh well, you get the idea. some days are better than others. like today… today was glorious. i had time to do almost all of these things. but every day is a battle to get back into the studio. some days i end up painting one handed while holding the baby because it’s the only way i can make it work. it’s amazing how much you figure out how to do while holding a baby that i would so not recommend. but when you are desperate, you are desperate. i may or may not have gone to the bathroom, made dinner, emptied the dishwasher and a whole bunch of other stuff, all while holding a baby.

yes. it’s a daily battle to create. but i am finding that if i just focus on little ten minute spurts to do art, it really helps. sometimes that is all i need. ten. minutes. ten minutes of quiet. ten minutes of mess and creative mind wandering.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Lynn permalink
    May 5, 2013 3:11 pm

    The truth of the matter is that these days of no time will disappear and you will have plenty of time. I vote you take a nap whenever possible.

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